How to access Clever

What is Clever?. Clever is a portal of teacher-approved applications that students and educators can use in the classroom. Clever-integrated applications are enabled with single-sign on and sync auto…

How to access Clever at Home

What is Clever? Clever is a “portal” where you can access many apps used by your student’s school or classroom teacher(s). Visit to access Clever. See login instr…

Clever - New Features for Fall 2022

Here's an interactive tutorial. ** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **…

How to troubleshoot "Offline" status in Seesaw

Step 1: Update Chrome or Firefox Browser. Please make sure you are using an updated version of Chrome. Seesaw works best in this browser. Most common issues are resolved by updating the browser. Step…

My students cannot login to an app in Clever

Option 1: The application is NOT showing up for one or more students. Start by checking the student's schedule in Aspen to verify that each student's schedule is accurate. The most common reason why…

How to customize the Clever portal on my Teacher page

Navigate to your Teacher Page by clicking "My Page" in the top right hand corner of the portal. Click on the "Add resources button" in the right-hand sidebar. Search for a resource or paste a URL int…

What are Clever badges and how do they work?

What are Clever Badges and how do they work? Clever badges are QR codes students can use to log into BPS-supported Chromebooks and applications on the Clever portal. Badges are associated with a stud…

How to create a Clever Sync Block

In Clever, there are apps that require staff and students to be assigned to a section in Aspen (SIS) in order to access the app. These are rostered apps. Examples include Lexia, Imagine Learning, and…

How to Change Student Passwords in Clever

Effective March, 2024, password resets are now available within Clever! The following instructions have been updated to reflect the new password reset functionalty in Clever that can be used by stude…

What is a Clever School Tech Lead and what can they do?

A School Tech Lead is a staff member in Clever with additional permissions to help manage the Clever accounts on a school-by-school basis. Some role privileges include: Viewing school usage metrics u…

I have a student missing from my class in Clever

Sometimes a student is missing from your class in a learning application, such as Lexia or Pearson. These applications sync their rosters every night from SIS through a system called Clever. If you a…

How to Access Reading Horizons

What is Reading Horizons and who has access? The Reading Horizons Elevate® program helps older learners fill gaps in reading with assessment-driven explicit phonics instruction based on the principle…

I am a co-teacher and I do not see my students in Clever.

I am a co-teacher and I do not see my students in Clever. Check with your school’s Aspen SIS manager to see if you are entered in the SIS as a co-teacher. Once your school's Aspen SIS manager adds yo…

When I log in to Clever, I get an "Uh oh!" (sad robot) error message.

When I log in to Clever, I get an "Uh oh!" (sad robot) error message. Why can't I see anything? Access to Clever and what is seen by the user depends on the user’s role and how he/she is entered in t…

MAP Troubleshooting

MAP FLUENCY (Grades K2-2). How do students take MAP Fluency? Students access the test by clicking the ORANGE MAP Fluency link in Clever or go directly to To login, students enter…
