How to access Vista

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

What is Vista and who has access?

Vista Higher Learning is a Specialized Language Publisher for World Language (Spanish, French, Italian, German), Dual Language, and multilingual learners. Vista publishes print textbooks and online learning programs through its platform, the Supersite. Teachers and Students can access the digital resources through a site license or individual access code, perform practice work, submit assessments, view media, and submit directly to their teacher through the Gradebook. 

World Languages: Vista is available to schools that have purchased a school license.

SOAR and Get Ready: Licenses are available through the Office of Multilingual and Multicultural Education (OMME) for ESL teachers with ESL 1, HILT 1, and HILT 2 class sections in Aspen. For more information, please contact Edna Leith or Manual Ramirez.

How do I login?

For Boston Public Schools, Vista products will be accessible via the Clever Dashboard. Courses and rosters will be shared and integrated with the Supersite before the opening of the Fall term. 

Chromebook, Tablet or Laptop: 

Go to Clever: Be sure to sign in using your BPS Gmail and password.

Look for the Vista Higher Learning app under World Languages. 

What devices is it compatible with?

Digital and online resources are accessed by students, teachers and administrators via the password-protected Supersite at, or through Clever. The resources and activities can be accessed from a wide variety of devices including iOS, Android, Chromebooks, and laptops.

Where can I learn more about Vista?


Get Ready Setup Instructions

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Instructor Tech Support: Call (800) 922 6003 or enter a support request here.

SOAR and Get Ready Support: Edna Leith or Manual Ramirez


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