My students cannot login to an app in Clever

Kevin Arias Updated by Kevin Arias

Option 1: The application is NOT showing up for one or more students

  1. Start by checking the student's schedule in Aspen to verify that each student's schedule is accurate. The most common reason why an application is missing from Clever is that a student does not have a schedule or their schedule is missing classes. If a student's schedule is empty or missing a class, the first step will be to ask your school's scheduling manager to correct the schedule in Aspen.
NOTE: Clever syncs with Aspen every night at 7PM; if a student is added to a schedule in Aspen SIS, he/she will see the app the following day.
  1. Verify the rules that Clever uses to assign the application to students by emailing Some applications are shared to an entire school, specific grades, or specific classes. Most content-specific applications are shared to a type of class (i.e. Math apps only shared to math classes) so this may be a scheduling issue.

Option 2: The application is showing up but the students receive an error message

If a student receives an error when they click on an application, this typically means that the application has an error on their side. Start by reaching out to the vendor to inquire about the student. If you do not have a point of contact for the vendor, email cleveradmin@ and we will assist with tracking down the point of contact.

TIP: If you need a licensed app added to Clever, please fill out the Clever Integration Request Form. If you need a free app added to your Teacher Page, please follow these instructions.

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