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How to access Savvas

Sarah Chang Updated by Sarah Chang

What is Savvas?

Savvas is an integrated application that can be accessed via Clever. Schools using the math programs Investigations in grades K-5 and CMP3 in grades 6, 7, and 8 can access the online content using their BPS credentials (username and password) via Clever.

How do I login?

  1. Log in to Clever at using your BPS email and password - look for the Savvas icon under the Online Learning Sites category. Make sure to login with your BPS email.
  1. You will see a screen that lists your classes. To the right, there are icons, one of which says SAVVAS Realize. Click on the button that says SAVVAS Realize.
  2. Click on Browse.

Adding Additional Programs to Savvas

  1. Click on the person in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on My Programs Tab.

  1. Click any program (grade levels you teach) you want to add to customize your Realize view.
  2. Click Save.

Savvas and Google Classroom Integration

Savvas and Google Classroom can be integrated.

  1. Before connecting your Google Classes to Realize, create your classes in Google.
  2. Click on the little person in the upper right hand corner and select Settings.
  3. Under the My Account tab, scroll down until you see the Google Classroom box under Account Linking. Press the Get Started button.
  1. Select the Google Classes you want to link to Realize (if you don't have Google Classes set up yet, then nothing will show up).
  2. Once your Google Classes are selected, press the Allow button to connect Savvas with Google Classroom.

Note the following about Google Classroom Integration:

  • Google-connected classes are not the same classes as any of your Easy Bridge Automated Classes. Google-connected classes will have a green chalkboard icon next to them. As shown in the image below, only the first class listed is a Google Classroom class because of the green chalkboard icon (circled in red). If you get confused between Google Classrooms versus Easy Bridge Automated Classes, you can hide your classes by pressing "Hide Class" (circled in blue):
  • The system of record for Assignments is Realize and should only be edited in Realize
  • Realize assignments are not inherited by students who join the Google Class later
  • The NOT CONNECTED status for new students in the Google Class in Realize simply means new students have not yet signed into Google Classroom and attempted to open any assignments. The first time, new students will be prompted to allow Realize access to the Google Classroom.
  • Realize has a limit of 100 users per Google Classroom before issues may occur.

How do I assign work in Savvas to my Google Classroom?

If you are going straight through the Savvas platform, you will not need to assign students to your Google Classroom because students are automatically assigned via Savvas' connection with Aspen. If your student lists are not populated, it means your school Administrator has not assigned schedules in Aspen. Please contact your School Administrator.

  1. When you are viewing your Student Activity Book pages, the Assign button (circled) allows you to assign those activities to students.
  2. When you press the 'Assign' button, the Title is already put in for you. Input the Start date, due date, instructions, and select the class or students you want to assign the activity to. Then press 'Assign'. The assignment will now show up in the selected Google Classroom and students can submit assignments via Google Classroom.

**Tip, if you see the following image, it means the student has not yet started the assignment. Once a student starts an assignment in Google Classroom, this image will disappear.

Are the Student Activity Page PDFs writeable?

Yes, as of September 2020, students can annotate on Student Activity Pages. They are writable through the Savvas platform using PDF Annotation.

Resources for Parents

A Parent Guide is available here.


For BPS specific trainings and resources:

  • K-5 Investigations Video | Interactive Agenda - Learn the basics of the SAVAAS platform in K-5 and what it has to offer to support Investigations and Envisions in remote environments.
  • 6-8th CMP Video | Interactive Agenda - Learn the basics of the SAVAAS platform in 6-8 and what it has to offer to support CMP and Envisions in remote environments.

For school license information and access assistance contact:

For users with Savvas tech questions or application functionality, please visit Savvas Technical Support or contact Savvas at 1.800.848.9500.

How did we do?

How to access ST Math

How to access Seesaw
