Loading StaffSchoolAssociation data to ODS 2025

Sharon Parbhakar Updated by Sharon Parbhakar

Data load on StaffSchoolAssociation ODS 2025

The new data source for ODSYS2025 is IdentityIQ(IIQ) from the current school Year 24-25. The DOIT Identity Team manages IIQ.

Report a data issue to Access Boston at accessboston@cityofboston.gov.

To load data on edfi.StaffSchoolAssociation is fetched through api /ed-fi/staffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociations.

Data in StaffSchoolAssociation is loaded into ODS 2025 through EdOrgloader, This job is scheduled to run daily on edfiapp01 and Insert/Update records based on current school year for ODS Staff.

Job Details :

Server : edfiapp01

Job Name : EdOrgLoaderS3V5YS2025

Time scheduled to run on weekdays : 2:45 AM

GitHub Details :


Repo : https://github.com/BostonPublicSchools/EdOrgLoader.git

Branch : dev_S3V5YS2025

ODS Data load Details :

Code changes related to staffschoolAssociation are as follows

1) SchoolId : Fetched from DeptId(Department) field from edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation through api.

2) StaffUniqueId : Fetched from from edfi.StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation through api.

3) SchoolYear : Populated through attribute SchoolYear in config file.

4) ProgramAssignmentDescriptorId : Populated as 'Regular Education.' Namespace : uri://ed-fi.org/ProgramAssignmentDescriptor#Regular Education

Troubleshooting steps :

Log file is generated daily based on Job run daily morning under the location D:\Deployment\V5.3YS2025\BPS.EdOrg.LoaderS3V5YS2025\log on edfiapp01

How did we do?

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