Zoom Instructions for Students

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

Boston Public Schools provides our teachers with various tools to assist in online learning. Among them is a video conferencing tool called Zoom, which allows our teachers to give instruction and deliver class material virtually.

How can I join?

We recommend that you review our Zoom and Hangouts Meet Safety Tips.

Once you click on the link your teacher provided in your email for the meeting, Zoom will ask you if you would like to download Zoom application or join the meeting using your web browser. IMPORTANT: click on “Download and Run Zoom” and follow the prompts on your computer to install and run the app:

The Zoom app will automatically download to your computer and open the Zoom dashboard.

You will only need to install the Zoom app once. You will be asked to enter your name. The video and audio controls in Zoom are located at the bottom of the screen. 

Here is an additional video tutorial on how to join the meeting:

How do I join a Zoom Class from an invitation?

What happens next?

You will enter the Zoom "room" your teacher has set up. It will ask you if you want to join using the computer audio and/or video OR if you want to join by phone. Please choose computer audio/video. This will enable your BPS Chromebook's mic and camera (if your teacher has enabled these for you).

Next, make sure you let your classmates know who you are; you might enter Zoom under your BPS ID. To change your ID to your name, mouse over the box that either has your video feed or your BPS ID. Three dots will appear. If you click on those 3 dots, you'll see a dropdown menu appear. Click "rename" from the dropdown menu and enter your name.

Finally, find the chat tool. Chat can be found in the black bar at the bottom of your screen. Click on "chat" to access the chat.

How will my privacy be protected when using Zoom?

Links sent to students to access the room are private and not publicly posted. While students participate in an online classroom activity it will not be recorded to avoid disclosing any information, in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).  Copies of the AUP are included in the Guide to Boston Public Schools for Families & Students, given to each student at the start of each school year.

How did we do?

Zoom Basic vs. Zoom Edu Pro: What are the Differences?

Zoom Meeting Pro vs. Zoom Webinar: What Are the Differences?
