How to Create Summer School ESY Classes and Add Students and Teachers For Attendance Input

Aspen Support Updated by Aspen Support

If an ESY Site Coordinator does not have access to their Summer School, please contact your general Summer School Site Coordinator or Charles Cauley to add her/him to the summer school. Once added to the school, ESY Site Coordinators can add the ESY teachers to the summer school staff list.

Related HelpDocs:
How to Add Your Current School Staff to your Summer School
How to Add Staff from another School to your Summer School (IMPORTANT: Please UN-CHECK "Person will no longer have access to the previous school")
ESY Site Coordinators can create classes in the master schedule of their Summer Schools and assign teachers and students to those classes. This allows teachers to take attendance.

Steps that ESY Site Coordinators can take to add ESY classes, students and teachers to their Summer School Master Schedule:

1. Verify that the course(s) that you want to create sections for ESY students are listed in your Summer school Course Catalog (Click Schedule top tab > Courses side-tab). If they are not listed, they should be added with the following guide.

How to Add Courses to Your Summer School Course Catalog

2. Then, create class sections for those courses on the Master schedule, assign them to teachers, assign the course a schedule, and add students to their rosters.

a) Create Course Sections in the Master Schedule

How to Create a New Course Section

How to Add a Co-teacher to a Course Section

b) Add teachers and students to the classes in the Master Schedule

Add teachers with the steps on the following guide:

How to to Add a Teacher(s) to a class (Step 8-12)

Add Students with the following steps:

Phase b.1: Create a snapshot of the ESY students with the following steps:

  • Click Student tab > Click Filter > Click the Summer ESY Students filter (Switch the "Search based on" to "All Students") > Click Submit.
  • Then Click Options > Snapshots > New > Name it "[school name] ESY Students > Click save.

Phase b.2: You are going to add the students in the snapshot that you just created into the ESY class rosters on the Master schedule with the following steps:

  • Click on the Schedule top tab > Click the ESY class section that you created on the step 2.
  • Follow steps 13-20 on this guide, How to add students to a class. On step 17, choose Snapshots. Then select the ESY snapshot that you created earlier.

c) Assigned a schedule to the Classes (e.g. Day 1 Period 1)

How to Add a Schedule to a Summer Class to Allow Attendance Input

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How to Add a Schedule to a Summer Class to Allow Attendance Input

How to Create a New Summer Program in Aspen (Central Office Staff Only)
