How to access ST Math

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

What is STMath and who has access?

ST Math is a PreK-8 visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems. ST Math’s unique, patented approach provides students with equitable access to learning through challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback. With ST Math, students build deep conceptual understanding, and schools see proven, repeatable results.

This app is currently being used by a cohort of BPS schools as part of a grant-funded project and by individual schools that purchased the app at the school level.

Students and teachers must have a math class in Aspen to be able to access this app.

How do I login?

Go to Clever at Be sure to sign in using your BPS Gmail and password. Look for the ST Math icon under Math. 

Teachers should login using the ST Math (Teacher) icon and students should login using the ST Math icon profile of their mascot, Jiji the penguin.

What devices is it compatible with?

All compatible device and recommended browser information can be found here.

Where can I learn more about ST Math?

Family Support

Student Support

Teacher Support

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

To get immediate answers, call the MIND Support Team at (888) 491-6603 or email

Clever Questions: BPS Clever Admin

BPS Math Questions: Nonye Obiora

How did we do?

How to access Rosetta Stone

How to access Savvas
