How to access Open eBooks

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

What is Open eBooks and who has access?

Open eBooks is a library containing thousands of popular and award-winning titles that are free for children from in-need communities. It was created through a partnership between the New York Public Library, the Digital Public Library of America, and First Book. These eBooks can be read without checkouts or holds. With Open eBooks, all students in the Boston Public Schools can borrow eBooks free of charge. 

How do I log in?


In Clever, go under the Library Resources header and locate the Open eBooks icon. Once you click the icon, sign in with Clever.

Tablet or Smartphone:

Install the Open eBooks app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Then select login with Clever and enter your BPS email and password to login through Clever.

What devices is it compatible with?

Open eBooks is accessible on Chromebooks, tablets, and smartphones. 

Where can I learn more about Open eBooks?

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