How does the Google Classroom roster sync work?

Mark Racine Updated by Mark Racine

Google Classroom is now syncing your classroom rosters from Aspen on a nightly basis! Classes that are created from Aspen will be listed as a pending class in Google Classroom and you can choose to accept or decline the invite. If you accept the invite, the class rosters will be automatically updated as students join or leave your classroom.

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to accept this class?
You can choose to decline the invitations and manually create the classrooms if you prefer. Just keep in mind that roster changes from Aspen will not automatically sync to classrooms that are manually created.
I have one homeroom (elementary/middle) but it created multiple classes for each subject. What should I do??
If you are a homeroom (aka self-contained) teacher, we recommend picking one section to accept and then declining the rest of the sections.
Can I rename the class?
Absolutely! Feel free to rename the section in Google Classroom after you accept it. It will continue to sync changes overnight.
Why can't I see any classes in Google Classroom yet?
Google Classroom is syncing your class lists from Aspen so it's important to check Aspen to make sure you are listed as a teacher in the appropriate classes. When you login to Aspen, click on the Gradebook tab to view your classes and it typically takes 12-24 hours for changes to appear in Google Classroom.
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