Running Reports on TDT Asset (One2One)

Kate Smith-Ziegler Updated by Kate Smith-Ziegler


Purpose of Running Reports on TDT Asset
Schools use TDT Asset (One2One) to track Chromebook inventory within their building, to report devices in need of repair, and to anticipate purchasing needs outside of the district's refresh cycle. Reports can be exported to a CSV in order to filter and sort for specific information. Schools may want to check their inventory for students with multiple devices, unenrolled students who still have a device assigned to them, devices that haven't been used in many months or years etc.
Running an Inventory Review
Running a full inventory review before or after distribution or collection allows schools to spot missing devices, properly disable and mark devices as lost where necessary, and modify any processes or procedures that can mitigate further losses.
Inventory Review Instruction

Device Reports

How to run a device report video directions


  • Allows you to sort and filter devices by device status, collection status, last used date, and more. 
  • Allows you to view the last login and the last user.
  • Download a CSV and open in Excel or Google sheets to see all fields, filter, and sort.

Device Building

  • Shows all devices linked to your school.
  • Shows both unassigned and assigned devices.
  • Updates only once a year in August.

Owner's Building

  • Shows only devices that are assigned to a student at your school.
  • Updates using ASPEN nightly.

Owner's Report


  • View a report of all of your students based on ASPEN data and their assigned devices. 
  • View students with no device assigned on TDT Asset.
  • Filter for enrolled or unenrolled students.
A lost device or a device in needs-repair status will count as an “assigned device” in an owner’s report.

How did we do?

Disperse Collected Devices from a Group

TDT Asset Collection and Deployment Process
