How to access the FERPA 101 Training

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

What is the FERPA 101 training? Who should complete this training?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that outlines the rights and requirements related to accessing, sharing, and amending student records. The law applies to all schools that receive federal funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education, including the Boston Public Schools.

The training covers the purpose of FERPA, BPS policies, and procedures, and reviews how BPS staff can be proactive about protecting student data.

This training is designed for all staff in the Boston Public Schools. 

How do I login to the training?

  1. Sign in to BPSLearns with your BPS Gmail account.
Please note: If you are new to BPSLearns, it will take a few moments to sign in. Only people with BPS emails and six-digit BPS IDs can self-enroll in the training.

If you had a change in your BPS email or have a sponsored account, please contact the BPSTechnology Service Desk at 617-635-9200 for assistance with logging in.
  1. Click on the Discover icon and search for FERPA 101. Click to enroll. The direct link to the training is:

What is the content and how long will it take to complete?

The training is fully online and asynchronous, which means that participants complete the modules at their own pace.

The training should take 1 hour to complete and consists of 6 modules. You must review all six modules and complete the 12 question end of course assessment. For your assessment, you are allowed unlimited attempts and you must get 100% to earn a Certificate of Completion in BPSLearns.

Module Name




Module 1: Introduction to FERPA 


Module 2: Key Student Privacy Terms


Module 3: FERPA in Practice


Module 4: Data Sharing Processes


End of Course Assessment

12 question quiz


Video: All videos in this training are captioned.

Vision: All written content is accessible for screenreader users and all images contain alt text which describes the image.

Technical Issues

How did we do?

How to access the De-Escalation Training

How to access the Health Services Staff Training
