How to view Student Sports Registration Information - Coaches

Athletic Program Information and Templates

Specific sports information is on each of the tabs in the Athletics Program Information template. The fields are all read-only. Athletic Administrators will update program participation information. Nurses may update the Physical Exam information.

General Information

Eligibility Tab

Lists the student's current Athletic Eligibility.

Contacts Tab

Forms Tab

Forms related to the student's Athletic Program Participation

Attendance Tab

Lists the student's current year attendance.

Grades Tab

Lists the student's current year grades.

Enrollment Tab

Includes all enrollment records to check for four years of high school and for transfer records.

Schedule Tab

Lists the student's current year schedule

Notes Tab

You will see any notes attached to the student's Athletic Participation

Links to forms and related websites

Use the Athletic filters to quickly find specific program records.

How did we do?

How to Update Student Athletic Information - Student Tab

How to view and print student Athletic Program records
