How to Upload Student Photos into Aspen

Aspen Support Updated by Aspen Support

Taking Student Photos

You can also ask your student photo vendor (i.e. Lifetouch, O'Conner, etc) to provide you with an export of student photos. Just ask for them to name the files as the student ID number. ######.jpg
  1. Position each student against a white/ plain-colored wall or backdrop.
  2. Focus in on/ zoom into the student’s face.
  3. Take the picture.
  4. Save each image to your computer with the student’s BPS ID number as the file name. Saving the image file with the BPS student ID number is required for successful upload into the SIS.
  5. Resize the photo using a width of 300 and a height of 375-400. If you are unable to resize the photos, you may also contact to resize your photos after they are uploaded to Aspen.

Uploading Student Photos into Aspen

To create a zip on a Mac: select all of the photos, right click and select “Compress.”
To create a zip file on a PC: right-click a file(s), and then click a command on the shortcut menu, such as Add to Zip file or Compress to Zip.

The photo files must be stored directly in a zip file, not in a sub-folder within the zip file. If the photos do not import, it is likely because they might be stored in a sub-directory folder within the zip file. For example, a zip file called might contain a sub-folder called Seniors, which contains all the senior students photos. This will cause an import error. Instead, the photos should be zipped without putting them in a sub-directory (i.e. sub-folder). In a word, the photos should be in a isolated folder, which is not a sub-folder of any other folders.
  1. Log on to the School view. 
  2. Click the Student tab. 
  3. On the Options menu, click Import Photos. The Import Photos dialog box appears.
  4. Click Browse to find the zip file containing the photos.
  5. Click OK.

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