TDT-Asset (formerly One2One) Navigation

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

TDT-Asset (formerly One2One Manager) is the tool being used by the Boston Public Schools to determine your school’s Chromebook needs. It is used to maintain Chromebook inventory, assign Chromebooks, determine which students need devices, record damaged/lost/stolen devices, and initiate the repair process on broken devices.


You can access TDT-Asset in one of two ways: (1) through Clever or directly on the TDT-Asset website.

Go to Clever at Once in, click on the District Page tab. Click on the TDT-Asset icon under the Staff Links category. Once on the TDT-Asset website, select "Go to One2One Manager SSO" then select "Login with Google."
TDT-Asset Website
Go to Click on “Go To One2One Manager SSO” then select "Login with Google."

Homepage Navigation

1. Home Button
Returns to the Home screen.
2. Navigation Bar
Stays consistent across pages of TDT-Asset, providing access to Assignment, Incident, Reports, and Admin workflows.
3. Unified Search Bar
Search by owner name, partial name, student ID,  device asset tag, device serial number, or Incident ID. 
4. Help
A link to an interactive and printable guide.
5. User Profile Dropdown
Change your school view or log out here.
6. Quick Assign
Quickly jump into Assigning Devices based on Assignment Type.
7. Incident Quick View
An overview of current Incident information. Quickly see a numeric count of open incidents by type. 
8. Location
View Open Incidents by building.

Device Profile Navigation

1. Device Details
Lists asset tag, serial number, etc.
2. Current and Past Assignments
Lists all current and previous device assignments.
3. Google Admin Console
Shows Device Details, Lists Users, and allows disabling of device.
4. Open and Closed Incidents
Lists all current and previous incidents logged for the device.
5. Device Notes
Add and view notes specific to the device.
6. Activity Log
Lists a detailed device history.
7. Device Actions
Transfer or Create Incident here.
8. Device Attributes (Turn Clever Badging Screen On/Off)
Turn Clever badging on or off for that specific device.

Clever Badging Navigation (on Device Profile)

Badging is enabled for all students in K-5. It can also be turned on in TDT-Asset. In TDT-Asset, click on the asset tag of the device. On the right hand side, go to Device Attributes. Select Badging ON or Badging OFF under Login Screen:   In the baseball card of the device, press the green "Transfer Device" button.

How did we do?

TDT-Asset (formerly One2One) Helpdocs Hub

Understanding Incidents in TDT-Asset (formerly One2One Manager)
