How do I configure Chromebooks that I received from Donor's Choose?

Sean McMahon Updated by Sean McMahon

Best Buy Google License Info:

Company Name: Boston Public Schools

Google Admin: Sean McMahon Address: 2300 Washington St, Boston, MA 02119

Contact Phone Number: 617-635-9200

Technical Contact Email Address:

Do you have Google Apps?: Yes

What is the domain?

Please use the above domain: Yes

Off domain address: Your personal email address

When you receive the Chromebooks:

If you have NOT logged into the Chromebook since taking it out of the box, you can skip to step 5.
  1. Press Esc + the "refresh" button on the top row.
    Samsung Chromebook Refresh key
  2. Press Ctrl + D to begin dev mode, then press Enter. A red exclamation point is displayed.
  3. Press Ctrl + D. The Chromebook deletes its local data, returning to its initial state. This takes approximately 15 minutes.
    If Forced re-enrollment is enabled for the device, you'll see a note that developer mode is blocked. This shortens the wipe process, and still allows for re-enrollment when the device automatically reboots into verified mode.
  4. When the transition completes, press the spacebar, then press Enter to return to verified mode.
  5. The Chromebook reboots into verified mode. Click the “Let’s go” button.
  6. The Chromebook then displays all the nearby available wireless networks.  For this first time you do need to get the Chromebook onto ANY wireless that you know the password for.  If you choose BPSStaff, click here for instructions.
  7. Accept the disclosure.
  8. The Enterprise Enrollment login screen should then come up, if it does not, then hit Ctrl-Alt-E
  9. The first log in at the Enterprise Enrollment login, needs to be a BPS Staff Gmail account.  
  10. When you see an “enrollment successful” message, click Done.

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