How to access ParentSquare

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

What is ParentSquare and who has access?

ParentSquare is a 21st century home-school communication platform for district and school leaders to message families. Boston Public Schools is adopting this platform for our one-way district communications.

This platform replaces SchoolMessenger, which BPS discontinued on August 30, 2024.
Principals/Heads of School, Assistant Principals/Assistant Heads of School, and Registrars (Secondary Schools) have access to this platform. If additional staff need access, please fill out this request form.
Please note: BPS does not currently have the StudentSquare features. For a two-way messaging system for teachers to families, we recommend that teachers use TalkingPoints.

What features does BPS have?

  • Language Translation (100+ languages)
  • Analytics, Reporting & Archiving
  • Smart & Urgent Alerts
  • Posts & Newsletters
  • Social Media & Website Share
  • Attendance & Auto Notices 
  • Secure Document Delivery

How do staff access ParentSquare?

There are two ways to access ParentSquare:

(1) Direct Link: and click to sign in with Google using your BPS Gmail.

(2) Clever: Go to Look for the ParentSquare icon under Communication.

How do families access ParentSquare?

Families will receive communication via text or email to start. Families can also download the ParentSquare app for their mobile devices to receive messages there as well.

How can families receive messages in their preferred language?

ParentSquare uses Google translation software to translate content and allow parents to receive and send communications in their preferred language. Parent languages are updated from the SIS until a parent logs in and changes their preferred language. See this helpdoc for more information on updating language settings.

How do I update family contact information?

Family contact information should be updated in Aspen. It will then sync overnight to ParentSquare and other rostered BPS applications.

What resources can I share with families?

Please note that we are working on having more materials available in all major BPS languages.

Overview Videos:


Where can staff learn more about ParentSquare?

BPS-Specific Training


Professional Learning:


Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Technical Support: BPSTechnology Service Desk (617-635-9200)

Communications: RJ Agostinelli and Chris McKinnon

How did we do?

How to update language settings in ParentSquare
