I cannot login with Google on an app or website

Rhianon Gutierrez Updated by Rhianon Gutierrez

Google requires Boston Public Schools to approve BPS Google logins with various websites that support a Google login. This applies to both staff (@bostonpublicschools.org) and student (@bostonk12.org) emails.

If you attempt to login to a site to create an account with your BPS Gmail, you may see an Access blocked: Authorization Error message. This means that BPS emails cannot login to this site until they are approved.

How do I request access?

  1. Click on the blue error details text. Copy the text (highlight and copy). Please do not take a screenshot.
  2. Go to bostonpublicschools.org/techhelp and sign in. Open a ticket.
  3. Subject Line: Google Auth Error: [Website Name].
  4. In the body of your ticket:
  • Paste the actual text from the error details page from Step 1 (not a screenshot)
  • Specify the audience: staff only, or staff and students
  • Specify the purpose of why you want to access the website/app
Please note that all sites will be reviewed for safety and security prior to being granted access.

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