How to Create Transcripts from Unposted Grades

Rikka Mai Updated by Rikka Mai

This only applies for enrolled or withdrawn students who have/ had a schedule at the school for the current school year.

Note that if the student withdrew from the school or section, the section will be found in their change history. (Student > Schedule > Change History).

1. In School View, Click Grades > Grade Input.

2. Find the section that needs the transcript created, and click on it.

3. Select the Grade Columns (Term or Progress). Select the correct Term (e.g. T1). Click the Withdrawn Status if needed.

Note that gray pins mean that the grade has not been posted. Red pins mean that the grades have been posted at least once.

Grades unposted

Grades have been posted

4. Enter the grades where needed.

5. Click Options > Post Grades

6. In the popup box, select the correct Grade Term and Grades to post. Click Ok. Then click 'Yes' in the popup warnings regarding withdrawn students.

The transcript should now be created.

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