

DataChecker is used to monitor and report in data quality in BPS systems. Check here for information on how to fix issues that are being monitored.

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1 article by 1 author

Can I show a Movie in my Classroom?

Teachers have the right under fair-use copyright law to use movies, tv shows, and other copyrighted content in their classroom for the purpose of education. However, there are often situations that b…

Mark Racine
Updated by Mark Racine

Editing Ticket Fields in Kace via email

Changing ticket fields using email. The following tags can be used via email reply to a Kace ticket to modify the ticket without logging in. It is important that the subject line be left alone. Field…

Judi Vellucci
Updated by Judi Vellucci

Guidance on the use of Artificial Intelligence in BPS

The purpose of this document is to ensure the responsible and ethical use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the Boston Public Schools. Generative AI such as ChatGPT is a type of AI that i…

Mark Racine
Updated by Mark Racine
