Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA Frequently Asked Questions

Are transfer in courses from another district included in a student’s GPA? Yes. Transfer courses (T-series course numbers-T05, T10, T20) are included in the GPA calculations. Which courses are includ…


How to see Student GPAs from the Student Tab

Viewing Student GPAs from Student Tab. These instructions are Guidance Counselors and for other school level users that do not have access to the GPA side tab. You can use the GPA field set to view t…


How to view an Individual Student's Grade Point Average (GPA)

Student Grade Point Average (GPA). From the School view in Aspen ( ) Click on the Student top tab. Click on the Transcript side tab. Click on the Grade Point Summary sub-tab. Select the…


What are the different types of GPAs and GPA Reports?

Types of GPAs. GPA Weighted Cumulative: A student's cumulative GPA is the grade point average for all attempted courses that takes into account the academic level of the course. Includes all courses…


What are the point values of a grade?

Weighted Point Values. Letter Grade Untracked Functional Regular Honors College AP IB DP IB MYP A+ Not included Not included 4.33 4.83 5.33 5.33 5.33 4.83 A Not included Not included 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.0…

