Sample Workflow for Distributing Student Chromebooks

Christina Carnes Updated by Christina Carnes

1. Record inventory: note student name, ID, and asset tag to input in One2One.

Note: Asset tags are 6 digit codes on devices. If you can't find an asset tag, you can record the serial number or press Alt V and it will appear on the top right of the sign in screen.

Deployment Steps for TC's and Teachers
For deployment to individual students:
Classroom teachers or TC can record the below information into a spreadsheet.

1. Student ID
2. Student Name
3. New Device Asset Tag

For deployment to groups:
Classroom teachers can record the below information into a spreadsheet template shared with them by the Tech Coordinator. The spreadsheet should include:

1. An individual tab for each classroom/group
2. Column titles: Asset Tag, Identifier, Building
3. Teachers only need to fill in Asset Tag Column

Spreadsheet example with notes:

Asset Tag




Use 6 digit number format

Name of Group

Ex: " School Name - Room 316" or "School Name - Blue Cart"

Type building name exactly as it is written in One2One

Recording Inventory in One2One
*Note: Only TC's have access to One2One*

For Individual Student Assignments:

1. Login to One2One.

2. Search for the Student ID.
- Has the student ever had a device before? If not, they can get a new device (if available).

3. Click the green Quick Assign button.
- Enter the asset tag.
- You may need to click "Transfer device from your building collections." Choose "Yes" to transfer the device to the student.
- If the device is assigned to another student, double check that the asset tag on the device is correct; if so, transfer to the new student.

For Group Assignments:

1. Complete spreadsheet - fill in "asset tag" column in each classroom tab
2. Follow this tutorial for step by step instructions to bulk assign devices to groups by CSV

2. Turn on the Chromebook and search for WiFi.

  • If ChromeWLAN is visible, go to Step 3.
If ChromeWLAN is NOT visible, you will likely need to run an update (see steps below). Note C720, C740 and C771 Chromebooks no longer are in life-cycle and will not update. Please recycle these devices.
How to Run an Update

3. Have the student log in to the Chromebook.

  • If password is working, you should be all set!
  • If password is not working, teachers, Tech Coordinators, or students can reset passwords. Please see instructions below.
Teachers and Tech Coordinators Change Passwords
- Tech Coordinators can change K-12 passwords if needed.
K-8 Teachers can change K-8 passwords.
- 9-12 Teachers cannot change 9-12 passwords, but do have access to give students their verification codes.

Site to reset passwords: (only works on campus)
Directions: How To Change a Student Password for Teachers and TCs
Students Change Passwords
This is a two-step process that uses both the teacher and student tool.

1. Teacher or TC provides the student with a verification code.
- Directions: How to Get Verification Codes
- Site to use:

2. Using the verification code, students then login to the student reset tool.
- Directions: How to Reset a Student Password
- Student Reset Tool site: (works from anywhere)
- Cheat Sheet for Students (English/Spanish)

Note: Students need to have a secondary email (or parent email) to get their own authentication codes and access to a device to get that code.
Password resets are recommended for Grades 4 and above.

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